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End of the Year Recognition

End-Of-Year Awards Guide 2020-21


End-of-year awards will be presented at the RHA Awards Banquet, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 1st. Applications and bids (email bids to NCC at are due April 17th. Google Forms for application awards are on this page, will be posted on the RHA website, and released via the RHA listserv. The General Body will decide who receives the bidded-for awards via a majority vote on April 22nd; to ensure that reps are prepared prior to the discussion, Hall Councils must fill out a bid evaluation form which the NCC will verify at the beginning of the General Body meeting. This form will ask you to name a pro and a con of each bid and which you’re most likely to vote for.


Awards You Can Apply For

Note: individuals can apply for more than one award.


This award will be given to a first year student who has been involved in residential leadership (RHA, NRHH, Hall Council, mid-year RA hires, ECO/ACT Reps, etc.). The questions for this application include the following:

  • How have you been involved in RHA and/or related organizations this year?

  • How have you participated in IACURH/NACURH?

  • How has your first year affected your plans for future involvement?



This award will be given to a non-first-year student who is not on the RHA Executive Board, who is involved in RHA and/or related organizations. The questions for this application include the following:

  • How have you been involved in RHA and/or related organizations this year?

  • How have you participated in IACURH/NACURH?

  • How have you been involved in other organizations this year - including activism, community service, and student leadership not directly affiliated with RHA?

  • What are your academic achievements? (Honors student, high GPA, awards earned, etc.)


Service Pins Years One, Two, and Three

More than one person can receive these awards, which will be given to students who have been involved in residential leadership for 1-3 years. Questions for this application include the following:

  • Summarize your year(s) of involvement (positions held, conferences attended, etc.)


More than one person can receive this award, which will be given to students who have been involved in residential leadership for four years. Questions for this application include the following:

  • Summarize your four years of involvement (positions held, conferences attended, etc.)

  • What is your favorite quote related to leadership, life, etc.? It will be read out loud at the presentation of your pin.


Awards Your Hall Can Bid For


These awards will be bidded for by interested halls and voted on by the General Body. All bids and bid-eval forms will be distributed to the General Body via the RHA listserv before the week of the General Body meeting in which voting occurs. There will be no bid defense - only a discussion and voting period. Only halls who filled out their bid eval forms will be eligible to participate in discussion.

The following are format requirements for all bids:

  • Minimum 3 pages, maximum 6 pages.

  • Minimum font size 12, all text in an easily readable font and on an opaque background.

  • All images captioned.

  • Made in Google Slides, PowerPoint, Canva, or another similar program and submitted in PDF format.


Hall Of The Year Award

Content requirements for this bid include:

  • How meetings are run, officer team, and responsibility delegation.

  • Summary of all major programs in the year and their impact on the hall.

  • How hall council addressed current issues/events (such as with advocacy or service projects).

  • Typical number of representatives at RHA General Body meetings and how the reps communicated RHA news and opportunities to the hall council.

  • Involvement in NRHH, ECO-Reps, and ACT-Reps.

  • Participation in RHA Spirit Activities.


Program Of The Year

Content requirements for this bid include:

  • Goals of the program and how well those goals were accomplished.

  • How responsibilities were delegated.

  • Event budget and resources/materials used.

  • How the event was marketed.

  • Program schedule and map.

  • Impact of the program, including number of attendees, their level of participation, how useful they found it, etc.






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